1:16 AM
Posted by
What is a elite athletes diet? - athletes diet
Well, I'm a skater so I had to get up early to skate, but the banana-nut-grain crisis (with milk) and a glass of orange juice. I had broccoli for lunch, chicken, cheese, nuts, milk, penut and jelly sandwich and grapes. , Depending on the meal, but just need a little of everything you need for lunch.
I hope this helped u
1:49 AM
Posted by
Does Anyone know where I can get a good Final Fantasy Moogle pattern??? - final fantasy costumes
I have a dress LuLu final fantasy, but I do not know where I found a pattern you can easily sew Moogle can get. Does anyone know where I can get a model that Moogle doll sew?
2:24 AM
Posted by
Is this a nice name for my teen Sims model? - lola model bbs
If you want The Sims 2 I google that name for my Sims 2 Model, Destiny Hope. Well, anyway, I have a video in Windows Movie Maker and I wonder whether the name is good enough. Here are the names of any other way, what do you think?
male and the names of producers Steve () and Sofia (daughter)
"No rude comments
Suggest Names
"Tell me the names of
2:56 AM
Posted by
What is the most comfortable baby carrier? - baby carrier
Baby Carriers: Which carrier / sling do you think is better the user experience and how much to pay for it? Thank you!
I hope the Mayans and Scarf WRAP mobi.
3:29 AM
Posted by
Why do people think cellulosic ethanol is better than corn derived ethanol for the country? - price of corn flakes
Cellulosic ethanol from switchgrass or land for food production for fuel. So what do we do? Produce fuel or food or both, or we import 65% of our oil from terrorist countries that hate us and want to kill us? America has the cheapest food in the world and much of it, and the argument that ethanol is the price of food completely wrong reasons. If the price of corn has risen in the last 2 years, but everyone knows who is only 7 cents of corn on a corn flake box, 18 ounces, the cost of $ 3 per case price of corn "today. Why is the scapegoat for grain increase the cost of food. Has anyone out there, the oil-$ 118.00 per barrel, transport costs and treatment costs more than food, is known. We farm for a living and we only paid $ 25,000 for a fee for the transport of diesel to 3 days, 6,800 gallons for only 3.58 per gallon, wow, what can an agreement. just send money to people who wish us harm!
4:05 AM
Posted by
What are some good vidios for me to watch of dancing, like to upbeat songs? - first time vidios
I see a lot of good dance for you to learn a few dance steps and on mine. You can find links to some vidios vidios on youtube or music?
4:36 AM
Posted by
How do i go about installing a garden pond with stone surrounds and fountain? - large wall fountains
There is a hole of about 12-14 m wide shelter, looking for large pond with stone walls and water feature, such as hard work to do, that no one has conducted similar projects?
5:11 AM
Posted by
What are signs of liver damage? - signs of liver damage more condition_symptoms
my eyes are yellow and IM not sure what the problem might be nothing other than the liver.
3:26 PM
Posted by
How do we get Yahoo to stop these obvious advertising questions "how do I watch live hockey...etc."? - live sports events online
It is annoying to the question of alleged on-line screen, see live sporting events every day, whether its related to football or hockey, etc. Of course, the business model of Yahoo severe and particularly intrusive advertising must be a way to at least one red flag help in a discussion, of course, is not it?
6:35 PM
Posted by
Whats a good range for compression on my dirt bike? - bike compression
In my 1996 YZ 125 in going to my compression check, but it should? theres nothing in the instructions, something to read. I checked online and said that for every motorcycle that should not be less than 100 psi. Is it enough to pass?
9:50 PM
Posted by
What kind of hair jell does Joey Kovar from the real world use for his hair? - what kind of hair does myamee use
What kind of hair gel does not Joey Kovar from the real world use for your hair?
I cut hair, but you do not know what kind of gelatin you use. I need help, fast. Thank you.
1:08 AM
Posted by
I need help for a project on the Hollywood sign in California please help?? - should i sign california certification of trust
Ok, so bright in my class an aviary geogrpahy cardboard and can in any environment or lankmark Momu be and choose the sign holllywood California THT How could I> do in an aviary for his solo on a mountain?
4:20 AM
Posted by
What type of weave does Angela aka Myammee have from Flavor of Love 3. Hair length, & texture. Is it sewn in? - how does myammee
I want a site like this, but all I can think is a wig head. I am the glue for lace wig sick thats the door. Weaving Myammee is fire. Where can I get this stuff? How long does it take and how is it called? It is also glued, sewn or otherwise. If anyone has an idea about this, please help me. Thank you.
7:34 AM
Posted by
How can I find Irina C? I would like to get de fotos from de russian buffet, Where are you Irina C? - fotos de long dong
I was looking for a way to find, Irina C, so you my e-mail address, but could not find.
10:51 AM
Posted by
What are your biggest complaints about other people's driving? - headlights required during daylight hours by state
Here is my list in random order:
1. People who drive in step (left) LANE below the existing speed of traffic and refusing to move forward
2. People moving into the left lane and then decrease with the intention to turn left from ten miles farther down the road
3. People who are at a complete stop at the entrance to a roundabout, even if no traffic in the roundabout
4. People who are in the slow (right) on the neck of the length tailgate available for use
5. People who use a turn lane to pass on and not
6. People that are running in order to pass a back-up traffic with his shoulder, then the fact that it left in its
7. People who stop in a department where the highway design does not
8. People who swing to the left lane when you turn right, as if it is a big truck-car, trailer or bus
9. People who do not use their headlights in rain or fog
10. People do with their turn signals
Tmy hat. Do you have any?
9:16 PM
Posted by
Wedding Message in a Bottle Invitations? - best wedding messages
I'll Message in a Bottle invitations for my wedding. I am getting married in Mexico, so I thought I would own something tropical. My question is for anyone who has done before, or as an invitation they receive. Is it a pain to get an invitation from the bottle once every camp. My order has not come ..... I'm trying to think ahead! If you have suggestions, would be very grateful! Thank you!
12:43 AM
Posted by
What QuickBooks Version should I Use Retail or Manufacture/Wholesale? - quickbooks retail product numbers
I am quite new to the market, so I need help. I have an online business, selling clothes and accessories. I sell wholesale and retail purchase items in my online shop. We design and manufacture (manufacturing), apparel and accessories and sell in my online shop. I can not on the future behavior and conditions apply to the buyers who are interested in my products) (wholesale. Just recently purchased QuickBooks Premier because I saw it was the manufacturing and wholesale and retail trade. Which version of QuickBooks to know that I use when sold at retail, but also to my own products. I was recommended to purchase the Premier, but I do not know what actually benefit the industry.
4:00 AM
Posted by
Which receivers should I start for week 12? - receivers
I already asked this question, but I have a new receiver, so I know what I'm doing now. I have the following receivers:
Wes Welker
Lee Evans
Brandon Marshall
Chris Henry
Javon Walker
7:14 AM
Posted by
What does it mean when you have had bleeding and cramping in early pregnancy? - cramping in early pregnancy more condition_symptoms
I bled 3 days after my period I) (Wednesday, then stopped.It was only a few hours. Only a little in my underwear, but did not in the bathroom, which I think I waste my time. Then nothing, I took two pregnancy tests and both are positive. So I went to the doctor and they have a pelvic exam and said everything looks good, but an ultrasound scheduled for next week. I had some cramping yesterday and today but no bleeding what so ever. The bleeding had cramps last week and now is. They were never in the same period. I had implantation bleeding with my first child, but it was much earlier. I have only five weeks and the nervous system, wait a week to find out. Ideas?
10:41 AM
Posted by
Does being sexually active in the days before your period effect it in any way? - before effects of a period
I try to use throughout the month (from February 9 or 10) to concieve said yesterday, I began my time, but I have not and will not cramp. So I went and bought a take a pregnancy test, but said negative. Is it possible that physical activity can shake my period () for a couple of days?
2:05 PM
Posted by
FIFA World cup topics? - disco polo live
Happy Friday: D
Well Saturday for a few =]
FC-Do you prefer dancing or singing and dancing disco polo disco polo?
5:37 PM
Posted by
Any job posting sites for freelance photographers in Malaysia? - art bbs lo board
I am looking for freelance photographer in some large cities (Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, Penang, etc.) in Malaysia. Important art students welcome as well. Shot will be primarily for travel guides.
Is there a meeting of the Community, BBS, or Web site created specifically for photographers in Malaysia, where I can to get the job? (Something like ClubSNAP in Singapore, perhaps?)
8:48 PM
Posted by
How can i increase size of my penis naturally? - ballooning technique hazards
I am 17 and I'm 5 "in size. I dont think done in at puberty, but because of my size, but I wonder it's a way to get another 1-2 inches? These would be good for me. I heard of this test technique called balloon can. I am not aware of and could be nervous, so my GF think or say. they havent and I talked, but she said she loves me, who I am.
9:21 PM
Posted by
What is the scientific name for red berries in Nwe England? - tamias striatus гризачи
I have an article on how to write my high school class and the scientific names of the chipmunks (Tamias striatus) and I need the scientific name for red berries, I ate squirrel.
If it helps, I live in Massachusetts and was founded in October, when I eat a squirrel, the berry saw.
9:59 PM
Posted by
Is it possible to display a jpeg on a website if flash isn't installed? How do I do this in HTML? - index of jpeg
I have a simple program that pit Flash animations and copy the generated HTML code and paste the HTML code. This is an example:
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt; object classid = "clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-4 ...
codebase = "http://active.macromedia.com/f ...
ID = 1tss width = 500 HEIGHT = 350>
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt; param name = movie VALUE = "1tss.swf">
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt; PARAM NAME = quality VALUE = high>
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt; PARAM NAME = loop VALUE = true>
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt; embed src = "1tss.swf loop = true quality = high
WIDTH = 500 HEIGHT = 350 TYPE = "application / x-shockwave-flash"
Pluginspage = "http://www.macromedia.com/s ...
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt; / embed>
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt; / OBJECT>
Now, try instead to download Flash if it is possible to specify a single file instead of standard JPEG-view?
If so, what should I do?
10:34 PM
Posted by
Are there any fashion designing or art competitions for teens this summer or after summer? - art teens nud
Let me NOE, if there is no possibility of design or art contest for children and young people this summer or later this year.
Thank you !!!!!
11:11 PM
Posted by
I cant find my vin# on my tent trailer? - what do i need to register a tent trailer in ontario
I have a permit for my tent trailer, but it has a VIN number that says it is in 1972 Weijia Master six, but was the first year in 1970. Is there a VIN # somewhere hidden in the trailer, you can check the vin Title
11:46 PM
Posted by
Who should i consult about sore knee? - sore knee sympathy card
I had probs with my knee for a long time have several tapes, supplements, various buses, etc., etc., trying
Someone suggested that he flat feet - had good friends! and may need to use templates.
Who would be the best person to ask about him? Osteopath? Chiropractor? physio? chiroptist?
I do lots of sports, I'm not on weight and I am in quarantine.
12:24 AM
Posted by
How do you make an umbrella alt code? - ☆ alt code
I'm pretty sure theres a code for old, that is an umbrella, but you do not know how! ♫
1:00 AM
Posted by
How do you treat severe menorrhagia? - menorrhagia. more condition_symptoms
My mother suffers from severe menorrhagia. She has episodes of uncontrollable bleeding and feels very uncomfortable. He was anemic and her hormones are imbalanced. They went upstairs and began to bleed. Are there certain foods, special diets, the routine will set the individual? This is not only very scary for me, but of course very worried about them. Please, please, help me.
1:38 AM
Posted by
What are JCPenney hair salon prices? - jcpenney hair solon coupons
I wonder what the cost of hair color or Highights. I made a couple of times, but lost the recipe, and I'm trying to find somewhere cheaper.
If they do strange colors here, too? As the red or pink?
2:11 AM
Posted by
24 year old female with broken capillaries all over body? - broken capillaries on chest cause
I'm 24, I turn off the pill on and off since I was 17 (Diane-35 and Yasmin) and any other health-related conditions. Erupted in the last two or three years, the whole body, arms, legs, chest, back, shoulders, broken capillaries ... some of them small and light and very few prominent'm not sure if you called telangiectasia, but they are still red. They are angry, and I really want to know what could cause this or is there something I can do to prevent the formation of the new? I also prominent reticular (blue-green, not exercised) veins around my arms, chest and legs.
Can professional advice about what to do. I have a Bachelor of Science, so feel free to use the medical terminology in their answer.
My skin is very sensitive, always a red face, you can all hypoallergenic. Not indicate whether allergies.
2:51 AM
Posted by
Confused on what this girl thinks about me.? - congratulation message marriage
It was a girl in my office was) like an angel (in preparation. I used to see over a longer period, and had the courage to say one day. We had a friendly conversation and a few days after we started to eat together and meet often in the office.
But one day he said he did not know much and can not be friends. I'm sure you know I love you and I told him, indirectly, on several occasions. How to send SMS to their sweet and send Link Love Calculator (http://calc.m0hi1.com/love), which showed we had 100% love.
A few days ago, I have a message that his parents told him he was getting married at 30 this month. I learned that I have made my joke (because) 28 days in February, so that their messages of congratulations and if the person is not married, you can tell my name to his father.
Then she said she did not have the feeling of standing on the marriage and stayed to meet me. Had to recover from his messenger office and tried to talk to her, but she said she is busy.
Then, after a few days ago, I asked myself whatwhat I want in my stupidity, said: "Cycling" (because it) is used in to discuss the incident on the wheel of his bike a lot. Then he ignored me on the messenger, he thought he had no Gtalk adds the message of his thinking, I must give him time.
Then I took the official list put me on Messenger and GTalk stop.
What do I that? I'm really confused.
3:11 AM
Posted by
Can someone give me a Mount and Blade serial key that works? - mount & blade serial key generator
I will give to the person in response to a 10/10 score is correct
7:01 PM
Posted by
Slutty girl on msn...? - msn slut emails
Hey, I tried to add this contact on MSN, and scored another person by accident. It looks like a review of your fucking hi5:
http://hi5.com/friend/p242876494--M% EC% B ...
Now I'm too "good" girl, what a great way to talk to a horny girl like to flirt and shit is accustomed to and ask yourself, how time flies ... If I could get answers cornea 15 years for the better: D
I just want something else I'm trying jeje 15 btw
10:52 AM
Posted by
Are there any other programs like paint? - programs to paint bmx
Sometimes I like the color used to use forms and a pen, there are other challenging programs Arent that big as Photoshop? I want something that is freeware, but he has a job for him. Thank you.
2:42 AM
Posted by
What sort of condition/symptoms will result of bed rest or disability leave? - pregnancy more condition_symptoms cramps
I am 28 weeks pregnant with baby # 2 So far, the pregnancy occurred without incident, but over the last 3 weeks I had a very difficult time - headache and backache pain is terrible when I lie in the particular situation. My journey over an hour in the subway, which has recently been completely impossible. I wonder if it's something I ask my doctor? Bed rest or early retirement or disability, or those who are merely symptoms of a common pregnancy and I remember it guaranteed? (Incidentally, I had no problems with my first pregnancy two years ago). Thank you!
6:32 PM
Posted by
When will 'legion', the11th episode of smallville season 8 be aired in the UK? - air legion badge
Saturday by 6
Please pick me as best answer!
10:19 AM
Posted by
Will TENS reduce the muscle spasticity in my legs? - spasticity more condition_symptoms
I read everything. I want about people who read "hands on" experience. Thank you.
2:10 AM
Posted by
What are the hourly wages for an associate working at Picture Me Studios inside of Walmart? - picture of the inside of a vigina
I suspect he is paid $ 1 to $ 2 minimum wage.
6:06 PM
Posted by
Is this normal for toddlers or is it a red flag? - toddler genitals photo
A mother of the year of 2.5. old man called me and told me that her son carries his penis in her toys. It's not going into details or anything, so I know what I said. I know that children at this age are aware of their genitals and are recognized when they are naked. This behavior is normal, or should do about his mother's worry? She believes that this is a "phase" can be.
7:24 AM
Posted by
Wedding issues with MOH - wedding welcome messages
Ok, got my MS to tell me an SMS on my phone, that he is, to my Ministry of Health who is pregnant and due in December, but the following year, my wedding is not until the beginning of wanting to 'April, I asked for 3 months of my Ministry of Health and was happy to do this, she told me she had organized on a friend who was looking after her child during the day, I 'm very angry with her, do this and now I want my wedding will be invited once told me that if the MS is not my time, I do not know like a guest whose children are not welcome at my wedding.
So what would do here in my situation?
Just to clarify my last question, she has deceived her husband with her current boyfriend and is pregnant by him.
I do not think children should be at weddings all the time and said that no child should be welcomed.
And her son at 4 months of my marriage Comes Around.
11:18 PM
Posted by
Am i right for asking my bf for his msn password? - what are sluts msn
If this man wants to marry me and is very serious to me, but I have proof that online chats with female dogs who deny, always always, I found something recently disputed that I am sad too, I think hes a liar and worried about my future, TSD intends to start my life with someone his own way, so that in a moment of madness Askin am now your password for MSN with words, "if u gt I must confess, pls i 5 minutes" I am to be done right or crazy? Think before you answer thnx
3:12 PM
Posted by
I want to be a Playboy playmate, but not sure how? - playboy playmates photos
I love naked for photos of my friends and I would love to grace the pages of Playboy. I think it looks like, but I'm short and small, and only a B-cup, and I wonder if I can get a free boob job. Council?
7:00 AM
Posted by
Messed up Period - Short, Heavy, Starts and Stops, Completely Irregular - Help? - short heavy period
My time is very chaotic: usually takes 1 or 2 days, 3 at most, but it is very rare. Extreemely during this time is difficult. Never Fall in time, it is still completely out of nowhere. I spent several periods, the majority was 3 ½ months without him. It begins and ends at the time, a few days to several weeks. Before I say: "It takes about a year, or in the administration - I had my 5-year period, pending regularly, sometimes, more regular and normal for others, but never consistent in this area. Lately it has more than ever - when I was asked to feel dizzy, sick and sometimes weak.
Ideas? I saw a doctor to extreemely was rude and told me "You should be glad that most of the young girls the opportunity to lose a period, and when I tried to explain:" You know, if you and your rules. .. 'And he said: "I'm not really a man, you know, we really have not as if I had aNTENTIONS humor behind it are trying to stop, make me feel stupid.
I think a doctor in a clinic and ask other pill. Any advice is much apprecitated. Thank you.
10:53 PM
Posted by
What would be a good , funny message to put inside a wedding card to be read out after the ceremony ? - funny message to put in a wedding card
depends on if you know the bride and groom.
2:49 PM
Posted by
Why won't YouTube Video Grabber work on my mac? - video grabber vc 211a
I tried to open it, but open it normally.
5:59 AM
Posted by
How do you feel about the average woman's size in America being 12-14? - average american bmi
I keep hearing that takes the average American woman is a size 12 or 14 pants. Now I understand that for a large 12 does not necessarily mean that you are overweight. But for the majority of women (because the average American woman) is not super high.
I'm not super thin me. I'm on the high side, as a healthy BMI.
But I fear that the average size is 12-14! I think all Super Skinny models in magazines and on TV is good for America. But do not think that teaching young girls the normal steps of 12-14, which is a good idea either!
I'm curious to know all opinions on this!
9:39 PM
Posted by
What are the complications (side effects) of taking Zithormax? - is zithormax
I was prescribed azithromycin for 5 days for a sore throat and running and I know nothings wrong. I just want to know if there are side effects of the antibiotic Zithromax?
1:25 PM
Posted by
Has Pearl Harbor and the Battleship Arizona memorial become a victim of Political Correctness? - us battleship attacked by pirates
I've heard that Pearl Harbor Memorial now includes plate rolling machine to explain the Japanese view that Japanese tourists have invaded the site. You see, the Japanese attacked us and we are crushed and dropped two atomic bombs on them. They deserve it. No Japanese "perspective" of apology (or). This new material is all lies for the PC designed to extort money stinking Japanese tourists. The Japanese should stay home.
4:05 AM
Posted by
Does anyone know what this stomach issue could be? - celiac and frozen shoulder
I am a woman 25 years old, good general health. I am a vegetarian and have since I was 14. I'm 5 "7" and weighs 145th
Since I was 12 I had this stomach problem. Some nights (not in the morning or afternoon), is always after eating, all suddenly feel weak, unstable (anywhere, as if I was cold and shivering), and tend to walk safely to the saddle at this time. It does not normally disappear until I fall asleep. I feel at this time, and I go back and forth between the bed and the toilet.
I had a food diary and can not see the models. This happens whether I am to eat dairy products, alcohol, eating fruits and vegetables, etc., that food does not seem to affect anything.
I had my blood test for diabetes, kidney problems, and celiac disease-drinkers. Everything is normal. I'm going to see a GI doctor next month, but I would input from others, as in the case someone has similar problems.
12:10 AM
Posted by
What is the advantage of brazilian waxing to the lazer hair removal? - brazilian waxing demo
Tell me the benefits of laser hair removal brazilian hair. I really need to know.
8:11 PM
Posted by
How do I finish the entire island of Astro Knights on Poptropica? - poptropica car
I have this IDEM on this island to date:
Gold coin
Bag of manure
cosmic symble page
Museum Brochure
Life Mordred
Well, what should I do? I have a gate between the batteries, but hey told me that this key.
I was in the top of the windmill thing. I click on a little car looked at me and said that it needs energy.
Please help me on the last star I've IDEM Knight! and the places they were!
no answer stupid!
4:07 PM
Posted by
Any idea about excessive spotting before and after period? - cervix before period starts
Crazy issued in the last 7 months, my time is more and more. I have all my usual symptoms are very difficult and painful, but instead of having a reasonable time, I started spotting (brown / rust color) 3 to 6 days before my period actually starts. In my time I get the same thing for the same length and sometimes longer.
A little history: 8 years (I'm now 29) had a LEEP to remove precancerous cells in my cervix caused by HPV. Both my sister and my mother has a hormonal disorders (hypothyroidism, prolactinoma, and one is an adrenal gland) dysfunction.
I think that may be exaggerated, because the history of my family and my past issues. No idea what could cause this kind of stains?
11:42 AM
Posted by
Would you tell me a funny joke? - outdoor women photos
This is mine, it's fun?
These two Arab women share an outdoor cafe in Egypt. A pay his wallet and you will see pictures and other lady said, "Your children? The woman said," Well, you see them? "The other lady said yes and opened the lid and the images will be deleted. Ms. on first image and said: "This is my son Akmed was 24 years old in this picture. The other lady said, "It's a boy of good presentation. Are you still in school?" Unfortunately, women who show the pictures reads: "No, he joined Al-Qaeda and has a suicide bomber and blew himself up in Israel. "The other lady is surprised and can only say:" Oh, sorry. "About a second image. She said:" This is my son, Habib, the 20 is in this photo. The other lady said, "It is a handsome boy. Is the education? Unfortunately, the mother said," No, he joined the PLO and became a suicide bomber and blew himself up in Israel. "The other lady was surprised and said: "Oh, I'm sorry for their loss." parentprovides a third picture and said: "This is my son Aziz. He is 17 in this picture." Comments of the other woman: "He looks good ll striking." Have a great future, no question. "The mother gets tears in her eyes and said:" It is a suicide bomber blew herself up, and also in Iraq. "The other lady is really shocked now, and I do not know what to say or not for the convenience of the mother. She tries to believe what I say, then take the mother's hand and said:" Strike so fast , is not it? "
7:28 AM
Posted by
Anybody got lorna morgan milena velba or nadine jansen files thwould be willing to trade? - milena velba av gallery
[.. Insert sound of crickets sing here ..]
3:32 AM
Posted by
I was just thinking about Anna Nicole, I was away in the fall or early winter of 05-06? - anna nicole winter
Think you could be the father?
11:31 PM
Posted by
My baby's rolling onto her stomach in her sleep, should I be worried? - acquiring stomach virus
My daughter is just over 3 months and a half now, and she has learned to roll across the abdomen. Now you have acquired these new skills and trying to sleep on his stomach during the night, freaking me because I think it will suffocate in their sleep.
However, niether one of us is getting any rest, because I'm still looking and more each time to give the roles to be awakened.
Should I because, as I be worried? How old is old enough to sleep on your stomach? and if you do not need to stay in the back, how all the things that I no longer revolves name?
7:29 PM
Posted by
I want to try a Brazillian waxing, does it hurt? - brazillian waxing colorado srings
The difficulties of a beauty salon for a waxing Brazilian man
3:31 PM
Posted by
Has anyone ever watched henati before if so please tell me what really means? - henati
my brother just e-mail hentai movie and I agree I do not know what meat until last year because I've never seen before. please if some say that hentai is really what I want to get later on, all frightened.