Price Of Corn Flakes Why Do People Think Cellulosic Ethanol Is Better Than Corn Derived Ethanol For The Country?

Why do people think cellulosic ethanol is better than corn derived ethanol for the country? - price of corn flakes

Cellulosic ethanol from switchgrass or land for food production for fuel. So what do we do? Produce fuel or food or both, or we import 65% of our oil from terrorist countries that hate us and want to kill us? America has the cheapest food in the world and much of it, and the argument that ethanol is the price of food completely wrong reasons. If the price of corn has risen in the last 2 years, but everyone knows who is only 7 cents of corn on a corn flake box, 18 ounces, the cost of $ 3 per case price of corn "today. Why is the scapegoat for grain increase the cost of food. Has anyone out there, the oil-$ 118.00 per barrel, transport costs and treatment costs more than food, is known. We farm for a living and we only paid $ 25,000 for a fee for the transport of diesel to 3 days, 6,800 gallons for only 3.58 per gallon, wow, what can an agreement. just send money to people who wish us harm!


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