Wedding Welcome Messages Wedding Issues With MOH

Wedding issues with MOH - wedding welcome messages

Ok, got my MS to tell me an SMS on my phone, that he is, to my Ministry of Health who is pregnant and due in December, but the following year, my wedding is not until the beginning of wanting to 'April, I asked for 3 months of my Ministry of Health and was happy to do this, she told me she had organized on a friend who was looking after her child during the day, I 'm very angry with her, do this and now I want my wedding will be invited once told me that if the MS is not my time, I do not know like a guest whose children are not welcome at my wedding.
So what would do here in my situation?
Just to clarify my last question, she has deceived her husband with her current boyfriend and is pregnant by him.
I do not think children should be at weddings all the time and said that no child should be welcomed.
And her son at 4 months of my marriage Comes Around.


Colollie said...

ahhh the first time in his very hard, "she said in an SMS message and have no courage to say, in person or by telephone.
and secondly, you really want to treat a woman in this situation, of course, chaos in your side on the day of the wedding and a few very important tasks?
I am sure that he has a better alternative, a sister, stepsister, soon, my good friend from work or school, a cousin, and I am sure, find someone to take his place. Just think of someone I can trust and not not escape its responsibility.
Because the children did not cry at the wedding, no drama, his marriage and a baby in the middle of her voice is not really romantic.

Good luck and good luck.

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